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God Save The Planet 🇬🇧👑
After a frustrating announcement of a new coal mine to start the year, the United Kingdom is back to pushing for climate action – and so are other nations around the globe. Keep reading to learn how climate justice is being served in an Appalachian community, why Scotland is making planning reforms, where Indonesia is expanding marine protected areas, and more.
Everything’s Bigger In Texas (Including Climate Action)
The pressure is on to address climate change, and every industry seems to be feeling it. That’s why climate action keeps getting bigger and better, and this week’s stories are no exception. Follow along to learn why magnets are going to soon be in demand, how one auto manufacturer isn’t promoting buying new, why there’s good news about the ozone hole, and more!
Water We Doing About Climate Change?
I’ve had the Home Depot theme song stuck in my head all week and to find out why, keep reading. We’re only two weeks into 2023, and climate action is already ramping up! Stay tuned to learn what Indonesia is doing to help a critically endangered species, why selling water leases for the Colorado River basin is a good thing, how the Big Apple is going electric, and more!
New Year, New Climate [Action]
What better way to kick off the new year than with some uplifting climate stories you might’ve missed during the holiday season? I sure know I could use it after spending last week trying to keep warm during the bitterly cold winter storm that hit much of the U.S.! This week we’ll be discussing how an old landfill is being used to generate clean energy, a major corporation is saying goodbye to PFAS, a new law in Argentina is going to protect a vital carbon sink, and more.
Climate Action: Local to Global 📍🌎
Climate change is impacting every inch of our planet, so it makes sense to address it at every level of government and at every type of organization. This week we're covering how climate action is being implemented across local governments, global intergovernmental organizations, national governments, and indigenous groups.
Nature Saves The Day (Again)
This week we’ll be covering the many ways in which nature can address e-waste and microplastics pollution. And there’s a lot more to discuss, including how one country has strengthened its carbon tax, a new type of battery, and how to cool buildings without electricity. I’m always fascinated by all the different ways we are solving climate change, and I hope you are too after reading this week’s stories.
5️⃣ Takeaways From COP27
This week we’ll be discussing the progress made at COP27, the annual U.N. climate conference that was held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, over the past two weeks. I won’t lie – I didn’t get my hopes up for this year’s COP since Coca Cola, the largest plastics producer in the world, was the title sponsor and there was a 25% increase in fossil fuel industry attendance from COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland. But despite my concerns, some progress was still made, so follow along to learn why climate justice ended up being the core theme of this year’s COP and how that is good news for our people and planet.
📊 Climate Data Is Going Public
Now that the midterm elections are over, and the pro-climate Democrats officially get to keep control of the Senate, it’s time to get back to covering more than just politics! This week we’ll be talking about advances in dealing with problematic waste, why decentralized renewable energy can help more than the planet, how the public can now access climate data, and much more. Stay tuned for our next edition where we’ll delve into the outcomes of the annual U.N. climate conference, COP27!
🗳️ Count 'Em! Climate Votes Are In.
This week we’ll be covering the U.S. midterm election results, which are critical for our future. In order to keep existing climate plans in place and pass new ones, the U.S. needs to elect leaders who have clear plans to tackle the climate crises. Follow along to learn more about some important wins and what that means for climate action.